Shortest Path
Finder for 3D Urban Entities
3D_NetworkAnalyst was developed to analyse shortest path in the buildings. This
program computes all the shortest paths between all entities and records to the
geo-database first, and then you can query and visualise the 3D shortest path
between two entities.
3D_NetworkAnalyst uses two databases. "Building.MDB" includes the data of
building geometry. "Network.MDB" includes the connectivity data of the entities
of building (Logical Network).
When the program first runs, shortest paths are not computed and recorded yet.
If you click the "Calculate and Record" button, they will be computed between
all entities using Dijkstra's Algorithm, and recorded to the database named
"Network.MDB" for every entity as different table. So, you can query the
shortest path between two entities, and see path, building, and network as 3D.